Saturday, January 30, 2010

My back is achin'.
My legs are breakin'.
My eyes are closin'.
But my wallet is fillin'. :)

To be continued...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Was randomly surfing the net and look, I found this! :)

p/s When are we gg again buddies? :D

More anticipations

I skipped school ytd & reached school late today.
My attendance's gonna be Oh-My-God.

I slept late last night & dreamt of you early this morning.
My dream's so weird yet sweet in a way.

I've collected my wallet but have yet to collect my contact lens.
My buys costed a bomb but online shopping is just too tempting.

I've finished 99% my project & what's left? : just some editings and report.
My fyp session is ending soon and I'm so effing excited about it.

I'm looking forward to bq's 21st birthday celebration next friday.
My sec school mates will all be there and I so wana meet them all.

I'm urging for cny to arrive fast fast.
My hands are getting itchy! Time for some MJ rounds please.

oh-this-is-so-random. ;)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I believe I can do it, no matter what.

Throw away all the hatred,
Throw away all the sadness,
Throw away all the unhappiness,
Throw away all the bad memories.

All these while, it had drained me out completely.
A new beginning starts immediately after graduation.

No more holding on to the past.
No more dwelling on it.
Time flies, it's time to move on.
It's time to work towards my dreams.
It's time to think of my future & fight for it.

No matter how much pain and tough it is,
I will still endure and go through it.

No matter how much life sucks at times,
I will still hang on tight and never fall.

Because, be it good or bad,
Everything happens for a reason.

It's just part and parcel of life,
that will allow us to grow even stronger.

Emotional? No.
Just plain strong and positive.

That's just me.

(: Good Night Sweeties.

Monday, January 25, 2010

We don't belong to the same world.

I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate
. -George Burns

Make sense.

Yeah the bad boys are always catching my eye.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fantastico BFF(s) meet-up!

I gotta feeling, ooh ohh, that my bb is gonna die on me pretty soon. :( This is bad, v bad. My less-than-two-months-old phone hangs on me recently till I feel like throwing it on the floor and sees it rebounces then shuts down. (okay just imagination) Irritating to the max can. & my alarm doesn't ring at all. Omg what's wrong? I don't want to send you back to america you know, hot pink baby! ;( Anyway, my hot pink baby is really sexy!

Dinner at clake quay w girls♥ just now. Bak Kut Teh for dinner was yums. Three hours of chilling at starbucks w just a cup of blended coffee was nice and cheap. HAHA I bet the staffs' there must be thinking 'woah these girls really made full use of that cup of blended coffee'. Htht was even fantastic. We talked about basically everything. Girls, guys, studies, life & whatever you name it. Awesome meet-up I must say. However, the temptation to hit the club was uber strong cos' you'll see tons of people all dressed up getting ready to party there! Aww, missing clubbing, for that moment. p/s: Next week yea, girls! :)


Off to wash up and continue w my korean drama! Nighty sweets.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Friday!

Rainy day, cosy morning, totally thumbs up to nua on bed the whole day. On top of it, it's Friday today! Thank god for that, weekends are finally here, again. Adding on to my joy, I'm gonna meet up w my lovely girls this evening! (:

Oh anyway, did I mentioned that I've won the bidding on ebay? YES I'VE WON IT. The simple black agnes b wallet is totally pretty and most imptly, dirt cheap. Okay too much shopping thou. Desperately need a job now. Job interview later on, hopefully I get in and my shopping list will not be so long. Wish me luck.

Good day all!

p/s click on the ads! thanks ♥
p/s Love is just like another game in life. & I don't wana play this game anymore, for now.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Actionscript is sucha biatch.
Flash is sucha biatch.
Fyp is sucha biatch.

I spent the whole day trying to solve the effing codes & it's still not working. Fml.

, for today.

Random Morning

p/s NYE photos coming up :)

Sweet Morning All.

Late for school today, not surprised at all. Bb alarm died on me this morning. Dumb. Had mac breakfast w fyp mates just now. Super yums and we talked about clubbing, liquor and all. Kinda miss gg club thou. Been quite some time since I last headed down to the club. However, I'm not really tempted to go yet. But I'll definitely hit the club w my lovely girls on ladies night during cny. What to do, Mj is my current addiction, not clubbing. ;)

So full so full, I'm feeling so lazy. Argh. Cannot slack anymore. OFF TO DO WORK!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Greetings all. (:

A change of blog host. Bored of the mundane settings and templates of wordpress. Blogspot has more interesting and nice templates. Me likey and on top of that, I'm able to earn money thru ads. So why not. (:

Lazy Wednesday today. I totally don't feel like doing anything today. Spent the entire morning of mine looking thru ebay trying my luck to search for pretty wallets. I want and need a pretty wallet! Hope I win the pretty agnes b wallet that I've bid online! Oh, I've got my pink bb cover from ebay at a dirt cheap price. Totally lovin' it but I'm v sure I won't be using it for long cos' IT'S PINK! I'm so not the girly kind. Just got it match my theme.

Weekends are coming! So can't wait! ;)

Hitting the hay in 5 minutes time. More tmr, good night sweeties.