Saturday, March 13, 2010


Bachelor of Human Resource Management!

Well, actually, I'm interested in taking up the course in UniSim. So I've been gathering information regarding UniSim from friends around me. Received both positive and negative comments hence it doesn't really help me in making my decision. I guess I shall make a trip down to SIM open house tmr(later).

Initially I didn't want to further my studies, just want to enter the working society firstly because I doubt I can get my degree successfully and secondly, money issue. But after thinking further, I still decided to give it a try. I don't want to give up studying just because of money issue. If there's a will, there's definitely a way out. What's more, there's no end to learning. Opportunities and chances only come once. So I shall just go for it.

No joke, I swear it's really hard and stress to make decisions like this. :(


p/s Guys who cheat don't deserve to be respected. It's such a disgrace that I actually heard some ridiculous Singaporeans commenting on Jack Neo's issue like: 'oh guys cheating is a norm and it's natural', 'oh guys cheat because they can't control or resist temptations'. Cut that shitty crap. Guys always support their own kind, even when they are in the wrong. How ironic.


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