Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time flies like SOT.

When time is running out, it gets messed up.

Gosh. Totally hate the fact the time is flying so fast till I don't have time. No time to sleep, no time to rest, no time to enjoy, no time to do my slides, no time to do AES, no time to do report. NO TIME. or rather time is running out and fast. Aww.

Day two of open assessment, quite a hectic yet a great one. The lecturers were all nice but I remembered one of them looked at my code and said: "woah your code so short only ah" Then I was like pretty speechless and went: "ermm. ooookay"

It's the quality that counts not the quantity right?! Please agree w me, I don't care. But well, I'm still proud of my own project for I've spent 12 weeks doing that. :)

Friday tmr. I'm so gg to let my hair down and enjoy these few days first. Of cos, won't neglect my fyp. It's really the last lap. CHIONG AH! ;)

p/s I so wana screw that fucking lazy blogshop contact lens seller. She delayed meetups and still don't wana mail me my orders when the stocks are alr here damn long ago. Fuck man.

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